
  1. Click the buttons above to get just your deck of cards
  2. The flip button flips all of the cards over
  3. The shuffle button shuffles every single card, including any that you have flipped over
    • You can't click shuffle without it shuffling every single card, you can't save some in your 'hand'
    • However, it does preserve if a card is flipped, so could flip over your hand, shuffle, and then find just the flipped cards
  4. Everything happens locally in only your browser so no one else can see what cards you have without looking at your screen. If someone else goes to the same URL it will be the same as if you refresh the page
  5. Don't refresh the page unless you want to lose everything. You can simply hit shuffle to shuffle all cards together
  6. If you have a short screen, it may be helpful to either zoom out, or stack the cards on top of each other on the side of the screen
  7. When you discard a card, put it to the right of your deck one on top of each other